Monday, August 15, 2011

August 15th

Just received an email from the teacher I will be working with this semester that, although I cannot attend PD (professional development) next week because I'm just a student teacher, she'd like me to come in on August 25th for a staff meeting and classroom setup. Exciting right? Bittersweet I suppose. I'm very used to the way things have been going this summer and my schedule is about to change drastically. I'm used to working 2pm-9pm and getting paid...that's about to switch over to 8am-3pm unpaid; that doesn't even count the amounts of time and effort I will be working on lesson plans, class projects, etc. outside of those hours!

I had potential plans on August 26th with my best friend, like an all day thing. Found out I had a mandatory meeting at my college that day for student teaching. I became really depressed, instantly, basically being a big baby. Yes, we can reschedule...preferably do something earlier that week, but that's not entirely the point. That was basically step one of realizing things are really about to change. Change is good though, right?

When I first met the teacher I'll be working with, one of the first things she asked me was, "What do you want to get from this experience?" Big question right? Yep. How do you say, "I want you to teach me to be a teacher, to feel confident in everything I say or do, to make me feel like I actually know what I'm saying and doing, to be, well, basically awesome." How do you say all that without sounded like a complete crazy person? Although, I suppose that is what student teaching is all about; to get you involved as much as possible so you can know (almost) what it's like to have your own classroom. Although, I've heard many, many times before, they can only prepare us so much and we will never truly know what being a teacher is like until we have our own classroom. My answer to her question: I want to get as much as I possibly can for this experience. Her response: I'm introducing you as my co-teacher, not my student teacher...everything we do will be 50/50, split right down the middle. You will be involved in everything I am.

I have been waiting for a teacher like this my entire time in this program. I can already tell it's going to be a lot of work, but I honestly feel like I will enjoy it. This teacher seems absolutely phenomenal and I can tell I'm about to learn a lot.

As nerve-wracking as this is and as much as I don't want to change my current life situation, I'm a bit excited. I mean, I'll be getting "out" at 3 everyday...but better than 9 if you ask me. I'll have plenty of time with my best friend...right? hahaha. funny joke.

It's just 4 months. 4 months of a hell of a lot of learning and adorable third graders.